Family & Friends Stories

Heartfelt Thanks: A Cherished Letter of Appreciation
January 12, 2024
Dr. Agyeman has the deepest gratitude for the life-changing impact Phonak hearing aids have had on his journey

From Gordon Ramsay to Hearing Health Advocate
October 10, 2023
Ian Golding hearing loss journey.

5 things D/deaf people want you to know about hearing aids
May 4, 2023
Hearing aids are a treatment option for individuals with hearing loss, but not everyone who is deaf or hard of hearing uses them.

Distance Runner Emily Wilson competed in Deaflympics
May 6, 2022
The Deaflympics are the deaf community’s chance to compete in major multi-sporting events.
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Meet deaf archaeologist Amelia Dall
June 18, 2021
Amelia Dall is a 30-year-old deaf archaeologist who is changing her profession.

Meet Whitney Spagnola, a Phonak employee with hearing loss
October 15, 2021
The Phonak employee also wears hearing aids and is a mother of two children with hearing loss.