9th International Pediatric Audiology Conference: October 27th-30th, San Diego, California
The 9th International Pediatric Conference “A Sound Foundation Through Early Amplification” will be held in-person in San Diego on October 27 - 30, 2024 with live stream available for online participation. Sponsored by Phonak, the conference is chaired by Prof. Anne Marie Tharpe and Dr. Marlene Bagatto. The Phonak Pediatric Advisory Board serves as the Planning Committee and has selected speakers from among the world’s most distinguished pediatric audiology experts as well as experts in related fields, new investigators, and clinicians. “The attendees of this conference can be assured of an exciting forum of speakers from around the world,” says conference chair Tharpe. This conference gathering is designed to stimulate thoughtful interactions among attendees and speakers on a wide variety of topics related to childhood hearing loss. Topics include efforts to reduce the age of hearing loss identification in infants and children, managing special populations of children, , and global support and advocacy for children with hearing loss, among others – all within the context of family-centered service provision for children with hearing loss. The conference will also feature a submitted poster session and focused panel sessions designed to highlight interesting clinical topics.
Poster Session:
We invite all participants to submit posters on topics related to any of the above mentioned topics.
For further information and registration go to www.phonakpro.com/conference and use the early bird rate until May 31, 2024
Surely this is a conference not to be missed!
CEUs have been applied for (approx. 12 hours)
For any questions please contact: phonak.conference@phonak.com
Registration fee:
Registration fee includes: Two and a half days of presentations by the foremost international experts
in the field of pediatric audiology, breaks (morning & afternoon), lunches (Monday and Tuesday), welcome and poster reception (Sunday evening), dinner with Phonak (Tuesday evening)
Conference Hotel:
901 Bayfront Ct. Ste. #1
San Diego, CA 92101
A block of rooms has been reserved at:
Intercontinental San Diego
901 Bayfront Ct. Ste. #1
San Diego, CA 92101
Rate: $ 299.00 excluding taxes and service charge, excluding breakfast
Reservation link: Click here to book your accommodation
CEUs have been applied for (approx. 13 hours)
For any questions around the conference please do not hesitate to contact Phonak at phonak.conference@phonak.com
Anne Marie Tharpe, Ph.D.
Vickie and Thomas Flood Professor and Chair
Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences
Vanderbilt Bill Wilkerson Center
Marlene Bagatto
Assistant Professor in the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders and the National Centre for Audiology at Western University in London, Ontario, Canada.
We invite and encourage you to actively contribute to this year’s conference! A poster session on Sunday evening October 27th provides an excellent opportunity to present and discuss your latest research results. We are looking for studies especially clinical studies that relate to hearing care in the pediatric area.
Poster submission deadline is: September 30, 2024
Abstracts can be submitted electronically (.doc & .pdf) to the following email address: phonak.conference@phonak.com
Please include in subject line: ‘Call for posters’
Abstracts and posters must be written in English.
Please use the template provided here - Template_Poster_Submission_San_Diego_2024.zip. Provide an abstract with a maximum of 200 words (excluding the title and authors’ names). The abstract should state clearly the background, aims, methods, results and conclusions of the study.
Evaluation of abstracts and selection for the poster session will be made by the scientific steering committee for the conference. No more than three submissions can be made by any one person as first author. Contributors will be informed about the acceptance of their abstract within 2 weeks. The corresponding author is responsible for informing the other authors of the status of their submission.
Accepted posters may be published on the conference webpage and in the online event website. It is the author’s responsibility to submit an accurate abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific facts will be reproduced as typed by the author.
Posters presenters are asked to put up their posters on Sunday before the poster session starts. You are requested to stand by your poster during the scheduled poster sessions on Sunday, October 27th, from 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm. The posters will then remain available for viewing all day on Monday October 28th and can be removed at the close of the conference on that day.
Each presenter will be provided with a freestanding poster display board, which is about 4' tall x 8' wide (120cm x 240cm). Please note that it is a landscape oriented poster board (horizontal orientation). Your poster can be affixed to the board with push pins. Push pins and adhesive tape will be available for your use on-site.
Each accepted poster will be assigned a number, which helps to identify your assigned poster board.
You can register to attend the conference now. Online registration and payment via credit card is available on this site www.phonak.com/conference. Early bird rates are available until May 31, 2024.